January 10, 2023

How Bizik's managed live chat works

Portrait of caucasian male with glasses smiling at the camera wearing a shirt.
Nicholas Wiltshire
Director of Operations
How Bizik's Managed Live Chat Works 1080 X 960

There are several benefits to be had from implementing managed live chat software on your small business’ website. These include being able to answer customer queries quickly and efficiently,  lightening the burden on your existing customer services team, and helping your business make a professional impression.

In this article, we explain how Bizik’s managed live chat service works, and how we may be able to help your business. Let’s get started.

1. Tell us about your business needs

Typically, the process begins with you telling us about your business:

  • What you do
  • How long you’ve been operating
  • How many team members you have
  • Your pain points
  • The areas in which you feel that you and your business require assistance

This conversation culminates with us pointing you in the direction of the Bizik service that is most appropriate for your requirements.

This article focuses on our managed live chat service, but there will be instances where more than one of our solutions is appropriate. For example, as well as taking advantage of our managed live chat facility, you may also benefit from using a telephone answering service.

We’re happy to answer your questions at any stage of the process; however, this initial conversation is an opportune moment to ask about any areas of the service(s) that you’re unclear about.

2. Collate and share your frequently asked questions

Once we’ve ascertained that our managed live chat facility is the right solution for you, the next step is for you to delve into your previous client interactions and collate the questions that crop up repeatedly.

  • “How much does the premium package cost?”
  • “Is the basic package suitable for my needs?”
  • “What is the delivery charge?”
  • “Do you provide a service to non-UK based customers?
  • “Where can I find more information?”

Include all the queries that you and your team regularly field – and the correct responses.

If your business is still in its early stages and you don’t yet have access to a wealth of client insights, take the time to consider the questions that you anticipate receiving (again, alongside the necessary responses).

As soon as it’s ready, share this document with our onboarding team. If you’re concerned that you haven’t quite nailed it, don’t worry. Our team will work with you throughout our partnership, to ensure these frequently asked questions and responses are perfectly tailored and stay up to date.

We will happily revisit them whenever you need, and will actively suggest alternatives if we feel it’s necessary.

3. Meet your PA team

Now it’s time to meet the all-important team of PAs who’ll be managing your live chat, and ultimately representing your business. Your PA team will already have been granted access to your FAQs, and will be well on the way to being experts in your business. But now is the opportunity to take this knowledge to the next level.

Come prepared with any other documentation that you feel is necessary, such as order fulfilment emails that are delivered to customers, internal processing handbooks that cover need-know-workflows, and designs for the latest incarnation of your website – anything that is relevant to helping our team become valued members of your team.

Meetings with your PAs are normally conducted through video conferencing software, but if you are local to our Covent Garden headquarters and would rather do this face-to-face, be sure to let our onboarding team know.

Our PAs will get studying as soon as the meetings have concluded.

4. Code time

As soon as we’re experts in your business, our onboarding team will provide you with the code snippet that needs to be inserted on your website, along with clear instructions on how to do this.

Installing the software is super simple, but in the unlikely event of tech problems arising, our Tech Team will be available to help you out.

5. You’re good to go

That’s it, your free trial can begin. Now, when a client visits your site and asks a question through the chat box, an expert PA will be on hand to provide a written response in a timely, professional manner that does your business proud.

As your query database builds up, we’ll share insights with you. For example, if a response always invites a secondary question, we’ll let you know and suggest follow-up answers. Or, if there’s confusion around a particular product or service that you provide, we’ll let you know, so that you can clear this up through some onsite tweaks.

The onboarding team will be in touch throughout your free trial, to ensure your service is always exceptional. And of course, if you have any questions, they’ll be ready to help you.

So there you have it

That’s how Bizik’s managed live chat works. Interested in finding out more?

Click here for more information about our managed live chat and to get a quote for your business.

Thanks for reading.


Portrait of caucasian male with glasses smiling at the camera wearing a shirt.
Nicholas Wiltshire
Director of Operations

Nick is Operations Director at Bizik, responsible for the Operations Team and delivering Contact Centre and Customer Service excellence. He has 10+ years of Contact Centre experience, high-level expertise in telephony, email and live chat management, and has managed teams across the UK and UAE. Nick is motivated by his people-first values, good leadership and customer-centricity.

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