9 tips on answering the telephone professionally

The way your business answers the telephone is crucial. Not only does it shape your customer service quality, but it also speaks volumes about your brand image. But as a busy business owner, you’re probably juggling too many things to answer each phone call effectively, or maybe you’re simply not used to talking on the phone to clients and customers.
Stay tuned, as this guide will explore nine handy tips on answering your business telephone. We’ll help you deal with each query professionally and effectively so your callers are satisfied and happy to call again whenever they need to.
1. Answer promptly and avoid long queues
Unanswered calls can be extremely damaging for your company. According to a Zendesk survey of 3,000 worldwide consumers, long hold/wait times are the most common cause of frustration when calling a business and are the top indicators of poor customer service.
That’s because leaving callers on hold for too long can make them feel ignored and undervalued. Remember that they’re probably calling because they haven’t been able to find a solution elsewhere, so they’re likely to be somewhat irritated already and simply looking for speedy assistance.
- See more: 7 benefits of using a Telephone Answering Service
- See more: How we answer your calls explained
- See more: What is Interactive Voice Response and is it right for my business?
To meet those expectations, you should answer the telephone promptly. Ideally, within the first three rings. This isn’t always possible, so generally, answer as soon as you can. The longer the caller is waiting, the more likely they are to hang up and never try again.
Answering calls promptly indicates that your business is attentive, reliable, and responsive. As a result, your retention and satisfaction rates could improve significantly.
Top tip: If you need to place a caller on hold, be sure to let them know that you’re about to do so. If it takes you a little longer than expected to return, check in with them periodically to reassure them that you haven’t forgotten about them.
If it’s particularly busy, you could consider using a telephone answering service. A professional virtual receptionist will always be on hand to answer any incoming calls that you’re unable to take, ensuring that each interaction is handled swiftly and to a high standard.
2. Greet the caller and introduce your business
Your tone and language are crucial when you answer the telephone. Customers will wait for you to set the tone and match their response to the atmosphere you create. So, if you sound distracted, bored, or annoyed, they’ll feel like an inconvenience, which could form a tense and unproductive call.
Turn that around by letting callers know they’ve reached the right place, welcoming them, and introducing your business when you answer the telephone. You should do this in a polite, professional, and friendly manner, paving the way for a positive experience.
However, be careful not to make the greeting too long, complicated, or over-enthusiastic, as the person on the other end might struggle to take in all the information.
So, for instance, you could open the conversation with, “Hi, thanks for calling [business name]. This is [your name] speaking. How can I help?” It’s short, simple, and warm. It also reassures the caller that they’ve reached the right place and that they’re in good hands.
3. Smile
It might sound strange, but smiling can make a huge difference when you answer the telephone. Essentially, you should treat your callers exactly as you would your face-to-face customers.
Say you own a retail store, and someone walks in. What do you do? Smile, say “hello”, and see if they need help with anything. There’s no reason why your callers should be treated any differently.
Believe it or not, you can ‘hear’ a smile. Smiling makes a considerable difference to your level of enthusiasm, friendliness, and positivity. This helps put customers at ease and instils the same attitude in them, ensuring that you and your team are also treated with respect and kindness.
4. Listen to and acknowledge the information you’re given
When the caller explains why they’re getting in touch, be sure to actively listen to and absorb the information they’re giving you. Don’t interrupt them, and try not to ask them to repeat themselves, as this will show that you haven’t paid attention. It can also frustrate them and cause them to lose confidence in your business.
Once they’ve communicated their needs, acknowledge them by repeating them back to the caller. Here’s an example:
Caller: Hi there, I’m calling about my order that’s due for delivery today. I received an email this morning saying it had been delivered, but I just got home from work, and there’s nothing here. I’m worried my parcel has been lost.
Your business: I’m really sorry to hear your order hasn’t arrived with you as expected. I can certainly look into the tracking details for you and find out where your package is.
This is a simple and effective way of reassuring the customer that you’ve heard them, and you know how to resolve the issue.
Be sure to answer the telephone this way, no matter how basic or complicated the query might be. If it’s a little more complex, it’s useful to take notes as the caller is speaking so you don’t miss anything.
5. Maintain a positive attitude throughout the call
An effective telephone call doesn’t just come down to the way you answer it; you should ensure that you remain positive, friendly, and professional from start to finish.
This can sometimes be easier said than done, especially if you’re dealing with a particularly upset customer. But no matter how heated a conversation gets, remember to remain composed and professional.
If the caller’s behaviour becomes unacceptable, politely advise them that their attitude will not be tolerated, and you will have to terminate the call. However, these are extreme scenarios.
Generally, if you hear that a caller is stressed, concerned, upset, or frustrated, the best way to stay professional and effective is to maintain a positive attitude at all times. This will help calm them down and sustain trust in your business.
6. Speak clearly
Effective communication over the phone can be tricky. Just some of the things that can go wrong include the connection failing or losing quality and mishearing the other person. To help ensure that the conversation flows smoothly, remember to speak clearly.
This means enunciating and speaking at a natural, comfortable speed. Don’t mumble or whisper, and don’t speak too quickly. These are all potential blockers that could make communication difficult, awkward, and inefficient.
Speaking clearly on the phone not only helps ensure that the other person understands you the first time around but it can also make the interaction easier and more pleasant for international customers or clients who may not speak your language fluently.
7. Answer even if you’re not there
Did you know you can still answer the telephone even when your team isn’t around? A professional voicemail service is a great way to ensure that every query is addressed, even after hours, on weekends, or during holidays.
If you record your own voicemail message, make sure it confirms your business name. Also, briefly explain that you’re unavailable right now, but if they leave their details, a member of the team will get back in touch as soon as possible. If you can, manage expectations at this stage by providing a timeframe in which they can expect a response.
Alternatively, you could use a telephone answering service that includes an after-hours voicemail. They will tailor the voicemail message to your company’s language and ensure your customers are heard around the clock.
8. Follow through
It’s essential to deliver on the actions you promise your callers. Whether it’s calling them back by the end of the day, escalating a complaint to a senior team, sending them a follow-up email, or another solution, it’s vital that you follow through with the expectations that you’ve set.
Failing to keep your promises is a really easy way to tarnish your company’s reputation and appear unprofessional. In addition, it’ll leave the query unresolved and the phone call ineffective.
Therefore, you should demonstrate to your audience that you’re trustworthy and you take them seriously. That way, they’re more likely to remain loyal to your business, knowing you have a track record of resolving their concerns effectively.
9. Use a telephone answering service
Answering your business telephone isn’t always as easy or straightforward as it sounds. Yes, we can all pick up the phone, but there’s a true skill to handling a call in a professional and effective way that boosts satisfaction and encourages repeat business.
Whether you’re short on time or manpower or are experiencing a skills gap, a telephone answering service can help ensure that your company ticks all the above boxes at all times – regardless of your business size or industry.
You’ll have an experienced and trusted virtual receptionist who will answer your incoming calls promptly, professionally, and in your company’s language.
Bizik solves your telephone answering needs
Ready to unlock the power of a high-quality telephone answering service? At Bizik, we’re here to help.
We’ll answer your business telephone with care, professionalism, and in your name. And don’t worry—when we’re not around, you can rest assured that your after-hours voicemail will capture all your incoming calls around the clock.
Try Bizik free for seven days and find out how our trusted and experienced virtual receptionists can answer your calls effectively and transform your business. Book your trial or get started today by calling our team on 020 3917 7444.
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Jo is Customer Service Operations Manager at Bizik, responsible for leading and supporting the team in delivering exceptional Customer Service, ensuring satisfaction and resolving issues efficiently. She has 10+ years of expertise and knowledge of the telephony industry and is passionate about developing strategies that improve service quality.